会议 3 Dec - 6 Dec 展览 4 Dec - 6 Dec


Indoor Scene Understanding: Where Graphics Meets Vision

Workshop Website


The importance of making computers understand the scene presented to them cannot be understated. The ability to automatically infer the semantics and geometry of any given scene would enable a variety of different applications in the field of Augmented reality, Robotics, Image Processing and Visualization. Understandably, a large amount of research effort has been directed at this problem in the computer vision and machine learning communities, with plenty of motivation and interest in computer graphics. The availability of commodity depth sensors have led to a number of breakthroughs to made in this space. Much of this success can be attributed to the use of computer graphics for generating realistic sensor data. We believe the time is ripe for extending this promising approach to the more challenging problem of full scene understanding. However, to enable this, we need close collaboration between researchers from machine learning, computer vision, and computer graphics. This workshop is intended to bring researchers from these communities together. We are soliciting original contributions which employ shape analysis and image processing for abstracting, representing, and manipulating raw depth scans of indoor environments. Click here to find out more.


Important Dates:

  • Submission of full papers: 10 July 2014
  • Notification of acceptance: 20 August 2014
  • Camera-ready copy of papers: 15 September 2014
  • Workshop: 3 December 2014
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