Conference 3 Dec - 6 Dec Exhibition 4 Dec - 6 Dec


Technical Papers


The SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Papers program is a premier international forum for disseminating new scholarly work in computer graphics and interactive techniques. Submitted papers must be original (they cannot overlap substantially with any paper previously accepted for publication or under review by any conference or journal during the SIGGRAPH Asia review process), and they must adhere to the highest scientific standards.

We are looking for high-quality research papers that introduce new ideas to the field and stimulate future trends. In addition to the core topics of modeling, animation, rendering, imaging, and human-computer interaction, we encourage submissions from areas related to computer graphics, including: computer games, scientific visualization, information visualization, computer-aided design, computer vision, audio, and robotics. This list is not exhaustive. As always, excellence of the ideas is the predominant acceptance criterion. The SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Technical Papers review process is similar to previous SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia conferences with the same criteria of evaluation and standards of quality. Accepted papers will be presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 and published as a special issue of ACM Transactions on Graphics.

The submission deadline is 3 June 2014, 23:59 UTC/GMT. A detailed description of the timeline and the process can be found under Upon Acceptance. For more information about the conference, please refer to the FAQs. If you cannot find an answer to your question there, feel free to contact the Technical Papers Chair.


Technical Papers Chair

Baining Guo

Microsoft Research Asia



Notice to All SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Contributors

How To Submit?


Upon Acceptance



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