Technical Briefs
The SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Technical Briefs program is becoming a premier international forum for presenting new research results in graphics and especially at the intersections of graphics with audio, image, video and HCI. Leading international experts from all over the world present the best results in peer-reviewed research spanning a wide range of research areas including;
- 3D Imaging
- 3D laser scanning and reconstruction
- 3D video
- 3D audio
- High-dynamic range imaging
- High-definition imaging
- Image processing for graphics
- Scene understanding
- Sensor-based human-computer interaction
- Graphics and human-computer interface
- Graphics and multimedia
- Augmented reality
- Virtual reality
- Mixed reality
The deadline for submission to the Technical Briefs program is 9 July 2014, 23:59 UTC/GMT. Please return to this page often for further submission details and use the contact form if you have any questions.
Technical Briefs Chair
Andrei Sharf
Ben Gurion University
Technical Briefs Co-Chair
Beihang University
Notice to All SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Contributors
All contributors to SIGGRAPH Asia Annual Conferences are now required to use ACM's rights management system to grant rights to publish accepted content rather than through the online submission system. Essentially, submission tracking, jury review, and acceptance remain the same, but now the rights management is through ACM, the parent organization of SIGGRAPH Asia.
You will be asked to complete an ACM rights management form, which includes permission to record and distribute the audio and video of your recorded presentation through official channels of ACM/SIGGRAPH Asia. For most content types, this will be a Permission and Release form, which allows authors to retain copyright.
More Information on these options (the FAQ is particularly useful)
Samples of the ACM Copyright Form and the ACM Publishing License
As a contributor to an ACM-sponsored event, the following expectations apply to you, should your content be accepted for presentation:
- You have the permission to use everything that is in your presentation. This includes securing permission to use third-party material, and providing documentation of that permission to ACM. (More information on the proper use of third-party material in your presentation)
- If you are using copyrighted musical compositions in your presentation, you must secure performing rights licenses.
- You must have the authority to grant ACM the right to distribute your presentation.
Once your contribution is accepted, you will receive a link via email to the appropriate form for your contribution. Good luck!
Use the Technical Briefs Online Submission Form to submit your work before the submission deadline 9 July 2014, 23:59 UTC/GMT. All forms must be completed, and all materials must be successfully uploaded by that time. The submission deadline will be strictly enforced.
We strongly encourage starting the submission form well before the deadline. Also, please do not wait until the last minute to upload your files. See Uploading Files for complete information.
Sorting Topic
The Technical Briefs Chair will use the Sorting Topic to assign your submission to reviewers who are best able to assess your work. Please be as accurate as possible when specifying it.
Dual submissions
Technical Briefs is dedicated to presenting new, unpublished work. Work that is under review elsewhere (for example, to a journal or another conference) cannot be submitted to the Technical Briefs program. Such dual submissions are widely considered unethical.
Submissions with new, incremental results based on previous publications are a common occurrence. As usual, one would need to reference the original paper(s) and clearly explain what in the submission is new. To be accepted, the jury expects about 50% new material that goes beyond the previous publication.
Your submission must include the following materials and information. The total size of all uploaded files should not exceed 100 MB:
- A maximal four-page document describing your work (PDF): this self-contained document, formatted according to the SIGGRAPH template for Technical Papers. It should explain your contribution, emphasize what is novel about it, and explain the concept or the technique, using appropriate figures, tables, results, and references.
- Prepare the document with the Submission ID number alongside the printed title. You will be assigned a Submission ID number when you create an Online Submission Form and this number will be used to identify your submission throughout the review process. In all other ways, the document must be in the final format. For instance it should not include the names of all collaborators on the work and their institutions, since the reviewing process is double-blind. Submissions that are more than four-pages long or that are improperly formatted will not be considered.
- One representative image (JPG) suitable for use on the conference website and promotional materials: All submissions shall include a representative digital image that shall be of the highest print quality possible, pixel resolution of at least 1500 x 1200 (at least 300 dpi at 5 inches wide, with depth proportional) or the highest possible screen grab. Images must be submitted in JPG format.
- One web image: In JPG or PNG format max. 200 KB for website publication.Up to three supplementary materials (OPTIONAL): The maximal four-page document must stand alone as an overview of the submission. But in many cases, providing extra material could help the jury to evaluate the work. Accordingly, authors may provide supporting material in the form of video, images, and/or further documentation:
- Images: Authors may provide high-resolution images to demonstrate their work. They must be in one of these formats: TIFF, JPEG. PNG, BMP, GIF.
- Video: All submitters are encouraged to provide video demonstrations of their projects when available. The video may be uploaded in one or more separate files. We can only accommodate videos in QuickTime, MPEG-4, or DivX Version 5 (or later) formats. The total length of all videos should not exceed five minutes. Remember that the total size of all uploaded files should not exceed 100 MB.
- Documentation: In some cases, results can best be conveyed as a document with images, graphs, charts, and so forth. Supporting documentation should be in PDF format, up to two pages long, and should contain mostly captioned figures or tables. Please refrain from submitting an expanded paper, as the jury will not have time to read it.
English Review Service
If English is not your first language; you may use the English Review Service to help with the text of submissions. Please note that this takes time, so your submission should be sent to the English Review Service well before the final deadline.
Submission and Authorization Agreement
All submitters must complete the Submission and Authorization Agreement before the submission deadline. Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed or accepted.
Educator's Resources Submission option
Those submitting content to a SIGGRAPH conference have the option of donating materials of educational value to ACM SIGGRAPH online resources for the benefit of the education community. Learn more.
For more information about uploading files for your submission, please see Uploading Files.
For additional submission information, please see the FAQs.
All submissions will be reviewed by a jury of academic and industry professionals in computer graphics, audio, image, video, HCI, and related fields. The Technical Briefs Chair and Committee are responsible for conducting the jury process in order to set up a high-quality program, with exciting oral sessions.
If your work is accepted, you will be required to prepare the final print-ready file following the specifications in the acceptance notification.
Please note: The schedule to provide your final material after receiving the acceptance notification is very tight. Please plan your personal schedule accordingly.
For instructions about preparation and delivery of your final content for publications, please carefully follow the instructions in the acceptance letter.
You will be able to update your basic submission information and any final materials so that it can be included in the conference program and web site. This information needs to be finalized two weeks after receipt of acceptance notifications. Please be prepared to deliver your final versions of your information and work on or before these dates.
Technical Briefs are scheduled oral presentations of about 18 minutes followed by a question-and-answer session.
Presenter and Contributor Recognition
Please see the Recognition Policy for a summary of what you will receive if your work and/or proposal are accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2014.
Presenters are expected to cover their own travel costs, which are not covered by SIGGRAPH Asia 2014. You can apply for a 25% discount per accepted submission via the submission system. One contributor per accepted Technical Brief has to register with a Full Conference registration in order for the work to be published and presented at SIGGRAPH Asia.
All work selected for the Technical Briefs program will be documented and distributed through the ACM Digital Library. The work will also be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Should I Submit?
Double Submissions
Supplemental Material
Review Process
Patents and Confidentiality
Should I Submit?
What types of briefs should be submitted to SIGGRAPH Asia?
New research results in graphics and especially intersections of graphics with audio, image, video and HCI are welcome. The list is not exhaustive. As always, excellence of the ideas is the predominant acceptance criterion.
How do I decide whether to submit my work as a paper, a technical brief, or a poster?
The Technical Papers program is the most competitive of these three. Technical Papers give you a chance to work out your ideas at greater length and describe them in a citable archive. The Technical Briefs program provides a dynamic forum for new and thought-provoking ideas, techniques, and applications in graphics and especially at the intersections of graphics with audio, image, video and human-computer interaction (HCI). It is ideal for presenting innovative ideas that are well polished, high-impact practical contributions that build on existing research, and cool "tricks" that help users solve challenging problems.
Can I submit after the deadline? I was unable to upload my submission on time. The system was overloaded, and halfway through uploading my submission the deadline passed.
The deadline is absolute. Submissions that are in progress when the 9 July deadline passes, even if it's because our server has slowed down due to high load, will not be accepted. You should allow enough lead time to avoid this kind of problem.
But I am using the SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 English Review Service, and they did not get back to me soon enough. So, it is SIGGRAPH Asia's fault that my brief is not ready.
The deadline is absolute. The English Review Service makes no guarantees about turnaround, and it is up to you to make contingency plans.
Can I email my submission to the Technical Briefs Chair if the online submission system is overloaded?
No. Briefs and submission materials emailed to the Chair or other conference representative are not considered to have been submitted; you must use the online submission system. Please leave yourself enough time before the deadline to avoid problems.
Can I submit after the deadline? I was unable to upload my submission on time. The system was overloaded, and halfway through uploading my submission the deadline passed. The deadline is absolute. Submissions that are in progress when the 9 July deadline passes, even if it's because our server has slowed down due to high load, will not be accepted. You should allow enough lead time to avoid this kind of problem. But I am using the SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 English Review Service, and they did not get back to me soon enough. So, it is SIGGRAPH Asia's fault that my brief is not ready. The deadline is absolute. The English Review Service makes no guarantees about turnaround, and it is up to you to make contingency plans. Can I email my submission to the Technical Briefs Chair if the online submission system is overloaded? No. Briefs and submission materials emailed to the Chair or other conference representative are not considered to have been submitted; you must use the online submission system. Please leave yourself enough time before the deadline to avoid problems.
Double Submissions
I would like to submit my paper to conference X or journal Y as well as to SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 under Technical Briefs.
Technical Briefs is dedicated to presenting new, unpublished work. Work that is under review elsewhere cannot be submitted to the Technical Briefs program. Such dual submissions are widely considered unethical and we will reject your paper without review. Submissions with new, incremental results based on previous publications are a common occurrence. To be accepted, the jury expects about 50% new material that goes beyond the previous publication. But I want my brief to be in SIGGRAPH Asia 2014. I promise that if it is accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2014, I will withdraw it from the other conference or journal. Dual submissions are not allowed. Your submission cannot be under review by any other conference or journal during the SIGGRAPH Asia review process, or else it will be rejected.
Supplemental Material
What supplemental material can be uploaded with my submission?
Authors are invited, but not required, to include supplemental materials such as additional images and videos, executables, and data for reproducibility of results, etc. These materials do not form a part of the official submission and will be viewed only at the discretion of the reviewers.
Can I provide a video with my brief submission?
Yes. Your accompanying video should be five minutes or less in length.
Do I have to prepare the brief in the final format?
Yes, please format your brief with reference to Author Instructions for Papers and Abstracts. It includes the LaTex formatting template guidelines.
Should the pages of my brief be numbered?
You should number the pages on your submission, but not the final version.
What is the page limit for briefs?
A maximal four-page document describing your work (PDF).
What file formats are allowed?
The brief must be submitted in Adobe PDF format, and the representative image should be JPEG. Optional images should be in TIFF, JPG, or PNG formats. Optional videos should be in QuickTime, MPEG, or DivX Version 6 formats. Other supplemental materials can be provided in any format (for example, txt, zip, and html). However, there is no guarantee that the referees will view supplemental materials, especially if they are available only in an obscure format.
What types of keywords should I include with my brief?
Select one primary topic area and one or more secondary topic areas from the list of keywords in the online submission form. Include those keywords under the abstract in your brief, along with any others that you feel are appropriate.
As a non-native English speaker, I would appreciate help to improve the text in my brief submission.
Non-native English speakers may optionally use the English Review Service to help improve the text of submissions. Please note that this process takes time, so plan far ahead.
Does the video submitted by July have to be final quality? Or will people whose briefs are accepted have the opportunity to prepare a more polished video?
One week will be given from acceptance notification to final materials due – 10 September. Revisions in this case should be minor unless exceptional cases which reviewers would then need to approve.
What should I do to make my submission anonymous?
Remove any information from the brief, video, and supplemental materials that identifies you or any of the other authors, or any of your institutions or places of work. In particular, replace the authors' names with the brief_ID (for example, briefs_0000) in your submitted brief. You may upload information that reveals your identity as "non-anonymous supplemental materials". They will be seen only by the senior reviewers for your brief.
My SIGGRAPH Asia submission needs to cite a tech report or thesis that might be hard for reviewers to find. What should I do?
You are welcome to submit that report or thesis as supplemental material. Cite it in the third person in your SIGGRAPH submission, even if you are one of its authors. This avoids the necessity of anonymizing it.
I know I am supposed to remove my name, company name, etc. from the document, but should I also remove names from the acknowledgements? If the brief is accepted, should I send another copy to you with this additional material?
You should not include an "acknowledgements" section in the submission. If your brief is accepted, you will submit a revised version that identifies you and your co-authors, your affiliations, and any acknowledgements that are appropriate. Keep in mind the additional space that will be required when stating how many pages the brief will require.
Review Process
Can you give me some example reasons that my brief would get rejected without review?
Submissions will be rejected without review if it is found that:
- The submission violates the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism.
- The submission is a dual submission; that is, if the submission is simultaneously under review for any other conference or publication.
- The brief is so incomplete or poorly written review is impossible.
- The brief focuses on advertising of a company's product(s).
- The brief is on a topic clearly outside the scope of SIGGRAPH Asia.
- Electronic files have been submitted that have been designed to have side effects other than presenting the submitted work to reviewers and committee members (for example, a "phone home" script).
Am I allowed to ask for my brief to not be reviewed by someone from whom I do not expect a fair review?
No. The reviewer selection process includes no such provisions.
I am submitting a brief on topic X, which I know is an area of expertise for committee member Y. Can I ask that Y be a senior reviewer of my brief?
Who knows the identities of the authors and how is that information used during the review process?
Only the committee members know the identity of its authors. This information is normally used to avoid conflicts of interest when choosing tertiary reviewers. Authors' identities are not discussed amongst reviewers, and so briefs are judged solely on their merit, as determined by the reviews.
Are briefs merely published in print, or is there a presentation as well?
There is a presentation of about 18 minutes in length, followed by five minutes of discussion and questions.
Where can I get the ACM Copyright Form on the web? I need to show it to my employers before I submit.
Click here for the ACM Copyright Form.
Patents and Confidentality
Can I, for example, get a written guarantee of confidentiality? Reviewers are asked to keep confidential all materials sent to them for review, but they do not sign a confidentiality agreement. In general, there is wide respect for the confidentiality of submissions, but we cannot promise anything, or provide a written guarantee.
It would not be wise for SIGGRAPH Asia to give you legal counsel on the matter of patents and publication; we urge you to seek independent legal advice. The main issue is that in different jurisdictions (such as Europe) prior public disclosure could invalidate a patent application. The situation is different in North America, where you have one year after public disclosure (for example, publication) to file a patent. It is a common practice for authors to prepare a patent filing coincidentally with their SIGGRAPH Asia publication.
To whom should I send questions about the briefs submission and review process?
Use the Technical Briefs Contact Form. Do not send email(s) directly to the Technical Briefs Chair.
All deadlines are 23:59 UTC/GMT.
9 July 2014
Submission deadline
16 July - 25 August 2014
Jury reviews
3 September 2014
Acceptance notification
10 September 2014
Final materials submission
3 - 6 December 2014
SIGGRAPH Asia 2014
*Publications content will be available in the ACM Digital Library two weeks prior to the conference.