Whether you are coming up with what-if ideas, developing new techniques, or using existing ones in novel ways, your submission is welcome. We encourage submissions from animators, developers, educators, students, and researchers from academia and industry. We also welcome submissions that provide technical details on work submitted to the Computer Animation Festival. Typical examples include:
- Technical and research work in progress
- Art and design, including smart gadgets
- Game design and implementation
- Animation, visual effects, and behind-the-scenes explanations of commercial and artistic work
- Education on graphics, as well as using graphics tools for teaching other disciplines
- Applications to other problems, e.g., web and mobile graphics, digital signage, or design
The deadline for submission to SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Posters is 9 July 2014, 23:59 UTC/GMT. Please return to this page often for further submission details and review the FAQs before contacting us. If your question is not already answered there, please contact us.
Posters Chair
Andrei Sharf
Ben Gurion University
Posters Co-Chair
Xiaowu Chen
Beihang University
Notice to All SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Contributors
All contributors to SIGGRAPH Asia Annual Conferences are now required to use ACM's rights management system to grant rights to publish accepted content rather than through the online submission system. Essentially, submission tracking, jury review, and acceptance remain the same, but now the rights management is through ACM, the parent organization of SIGGRAPH Asia.
You will be asked to complete an ACM rights management form, which includes permission to record and distribute the audio and video of your recorded presentation through official channels of ACM/SIGGRAPH Asia. For most content types, this will be a Permission and Release form, which allows authors to retain copyright.
More Information on these options (the FAQ is particularly useful)
Samples of the ACM Copyright Form and the ACM Publishing License
As a contributor to an ACM-sponsored event, the following expectations apply to you, should your content be accepted for presentation:
- You have the permission to use everything that is in your presentation. This includes securing permission to use third-party material, and providing documentation of that permission to ACM. (More information on the proper use of third-party material in your presentation)
- If you are using copyrighted musical compositions in your presentation, you must secure performing rights licenses.
- You must have the authority to grant ACM the right to distribute your presentation.
Once your contribution is accepted, you will receive a link via email to the appropriate form for your contribution. Good luck!
Use the Posters Online Submission Form to submit your proposal before the submission deadline. All forms must be completed, and all materials must be successfully uploaded by that time. The submission deadline will be strictly enforced.
We strongly encourage starting the submission form well before the deadline. Also, please do not wait until the last minute to upload your files. See Uploading Files for complete information.
Your submission must include the following materials and information. The total size of all uploaded files should not exceed 100 MB:
- A one-page document describing your work in PDF final format is required, i.e. include names of all collaborators on the work and their institutions since the reviewing process is not double-blind. Submissions that are more than one page long or that are improperly formatted will not be considered.
- The submitted PDF must be self-contained, formatted according to the SIGGRAPH template for technical papers. Check the Instructions for Authors for submitting a poster and the affiliated one-page abstract.
- Prepare the document with the Submission ID number alongside the printed title. This number will be used to identify your submission throughout the review process. Note that the reviewing process is not double blind.
- One representative image (JPG) suitable for usage in promotional materials: All submissions should include a representative digital image that should be of the highest print quality possible, pixel resolution of at least 1500 x 1200 (at least 300 dpi at 5 inches wide, with depth proportional) or the highest possible screen grab. Images must be submitted in JPG format.
- Web Image: In JPG or PNG format max. 200 KB for website publication.
- Up to three supplementary materials (OPTIONAL):
- Images: high-resolution images in one of these formats: TIFF, JPEG. PNG, BMP, GIF.
- Video: In QuickTime, MPEG-4, or DivX Version 5 (or later) formats. The total length of all videos should not exceed five minutes and total size of all uploaded files should not exceed 100 MB.
- Documentation: includes images, graphs, charts, and so forth. Supporting documentation should be in PDF format, up to three pages long, and should contain mostly captioned figures or tables.
Sorting Topic
The Posters Chair will use the Sorting Topic to assign your submission to reviewers who are best able to assess your work. Please be as accurate as possible when specifying it.
English Review Service
If English is not your first language; you may use the English Review Service to help with the text of submissions. Please note that this takes time, so your submission should be sent to the English Review Service well before the final deadline.
Submission and Authorization Agreement
All submitters must complete the Submission and Authorization Agreement before the submission deadline. Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed or accepted.
Educator’s Resources Submission option
Those submitting content to a SIGGRAPH conference have the option of donating materials of educational value to ACM SIGGRAPH online resources for the benefit of the education community. Learn more.
For more information about uploading files for your submission, please see Uploading Files.
For additional submission information, please see the FAQs.
All submissions will be reviewed by a jury of academic and industry professionals in computer graphics, animation, games, interactive techniques, art, and related fields. The Posters Committee is responsible for conducting the jury process in order to set up a high-quality program, with attractive posters sessions.
If your work is accepted as a Poster, you will be required to prepare the final print-ready poster file following the specifications in the acceptance notification. Please note: The schedule to provide your final material after receiving the acceptance notification is very tight. Please plan your personal schedule accordingly.
During the poster presentation session, the poster must be staffed at all times by at least one person, and you are encouraged to bring a portable computer to demo your work. The computer should be well charged, because electrical power may not be available. Do not leave your computer or other equipment unattended with the poster. Posters are displayed in unsecured areas.
For instructions about preparation and delivery of your final content for publications, see the poster format examples. Please carefully follow the instructions in the acceptance letter.
You will be able to update your basic submission information and any final materials so that it can be included in the conference program and website. This information needs to be finalized one week after receipt of acceptance notifications. Please be prepared to deliver your final versions of your information and work on or before these dates.
Presenter and Contributor Recognition
Please see the Recognition Policy for a summary of what you will receive if your work and/or proposal are accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2014.
Presenters are expected to cover their own travel costs, which are not covered by SIGGRAPH Asia 2014. You can apply for a 25% discount per accepted submission via the submission system. One contributor per accepted Poster has to register with a Full Conference registration in order for the work to be published and presented at SIGGRAPH Asia.
All work selected for the Posters program will be documented and distributed through the ACM Digital Library. The work will also be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Poster Submission
Poster Creation & Presentation
Poster Submission
Should I submit a digital version of the actual poster for jury review?
No, this is not necessary. Poster submissions are evaluated based on their abstracts, supporting material, and research value. If you would like to provide a digital version of your poster, you may do so as a supplementary image.
Should my poster abstract submission be author blind? Should I include line numbers?
No. Poster abstract submissions should include author name and affiliation, as well as title of the work. You can prepare your poster submission according to the ACM SIGGRAPH formatting instructions.
Can I include a supplementary video with my poster submission?
Yes! If your submission has an interactive, animation, or simulation component, we strongly encourage you to submit a video demonstrating your work in action, as it is very difficult to evaluate your work without this. Videos can be included as part of the poster presentation session.
The SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 English Review Service failed our schedule, so it is SIGGRAPH Asia's fault that our proposal is late. Can I have an extension?
No. The English Review Service makes no guarantee for service turn-around. It is also administered separately from the conference program. Please schedule your work appropriately. For the best chance of having your submission reviewed by the English Review Service, please make sure it is submitted and marked "complete" in the submission system at least 14 days before your program's submission deadline.
What does a one-page abstract submission look like? What does a poster look like?
Here are two examples of good posters and abstracts:
Example 1
Example 2
Poster authors should prepare their documents according to the ACM SIGGRAPH formatting instructions. Remember: the jury will review the abstract, but the poster is what you will display at the conference.
Poster Creation & Presentation
What are the maximum dimensions of poster prints?
Individual posters will be printed in A0 size (horizontal or vertical). You will receive detailed instructions on how to prepare your final print-ready file together with your acceptance notification.
Where in the convention center will my poster be located?
You will receive detailed information regarding the exact location of your poster at the convention center.
Will tables be provided for each poster?
The available space for tables varies from convention center to convention center and from year to year. While we try to cater some tables, we cannot promise every poster will get one.
My poster submission has been accepted, and I would like to give a demo of my work. Is this possible?
Poster submitters are encouraged to demo their work during the Poster Sessions using their own laptop equipment, in front of their Posters. We will aim to provide tables.
Will I have an internet connection for my laptop?
Wireless internet access will be available throughout the convention center.
Will AC power be available for my laptop or other devices?
We cannot promise that AC power outlets will be available for everyone. Charge your batteries before the session.
Can I leave my laptop or other equipment there before or after the session?
No! The poster sessions are in unsecured open areas. Take your laptop and all your gear with you.
I have travel conflicts, and I cannot attend the conference. Can I still submit work to the conference?
Yes, as long as one contributor per accepted poster is registered with a Full Conference registration and the poster can be presented by a representative of the author. If it is a collaborative submission, it is important that at least one of the authors attends the conference and presents the work. We expect poster authors to be present at the poster sessions.
All deadlines are 23:59 UTC/GMT.
9 July 2014
Submission deadline
16 July - 25 August 2014
Jury reviews
3 September 2014
Acceptance notification
10 September 2014
Final materials submission
3 - 6 December 2014
SIGGRAPH Asia 2014
*Publications content will be available in the ACM Digital Library two weeks prior to the conference.