MegaMol - A Prototyping Framework for Particle-based Visualization
Session Chair
Klaus Mueller
Stony Brook University and SUNY KOREA
Sebastian Grottel
Chair of Computer Graphic and Visualization of the TU Dresden, Germany
Sebastian Grottel
Chair of Computer Graphic and Visualization of the TU Dresden, Germany
Michael Krone
Christoph Müller
Guido Reina
Thomas Ertl
Visualization Research Center of the University of Stuttgart, Germany
Drawing Road Networks with Mental Maps
Chao-Hung Lin
Shih-Syun Lin
National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
Chao-Hung Lin
Shih-Syun Lin
Yan-Jhang Hu
Tong-Yee Lee
National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan
A Task Taxonomy for Network Evolution Analysis
Jae-wook Ahn
Catherine Plaisant
Ben Shneiderman
Human Computer Interaction Lab, University of Maryland
Vector Field Simplification Based on Robustness
Primoz Skraba
Jozef Stefan Institute
Bei Wang
University of Utah
Guoning Chen
University of Houston
Paul Rosen
University of Utah