Conference 3 Dec - 6 DecĀ Exhibition 4 Dec - 6 Dec



    01 Full Conference 1 - Full Conference One Day

    Motion Capture for Mobile phones - Hands On

    Friday, 05 December

    14:15 - 18:00

    Rose Hall 3

    Mobile devices are the most personal computing machines we have and it makes perfect sense to have them capturing motion for various applications: multimedia, gaming, accessibility, etc.

    This course is meant for programming beginners and should be suitable for people with experience in any programming languages.

    The course will promote motion-capture/augmented-reality hands-on exercises for all major smartphone platforms (Android, iPhone and Windows Phone). The participants will be divided into groups of same smartphone platform, to perform the exercises.

    This course will enable participants to use motion capture features in their mobile projects as light painting, spatial gestures capturing, diy animation, etc.

    I wish to provide enough material to be evaluated by the chairs properly and hopefully be able to contribute to SIGGRAPH.




    Participants should have experience with developing for any mobile phone platform OR using human-features detection tools on the pc OR work with motion capture in general.

    Intended Audience

    This course is intended for Designers or Developers at intermediate programming level, who are interested in alternative human-computer interaction,diy animation tools and human factors in general.


    Jackson Feijo Filho, Researcher, Developer Evangelist at Nokia Institute of Technology (INdT)

    Jackson Feijo has been a Researcher at Nokia Technology Indtitute for the past 10 years. He has been contributing avidly for SIGCHI and SIGACCESS and his experiments often orbit around alternative human-computer interaction and mobile technologies.
    As a Nokia Developer Champion and Nokia Certified Trainer, Jackson has countless hours of hands-on technology courses coordination and teaching. As a developer evangelist, working for the health of technology ecosystems, he understands the immeasurable power of communities.

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